Pond Information

· Please leave no evidence that you have been fishing, especially bait containers, trash, fishing line, forked sticks, etc.

· Wear your membership badge at all times on club property.

· TWRA officers have a gate key and are encouraged to check pond fisherman. Please cooperate with their requests.

· A valid Tennessee Fishing License is required for each fisherman unless you are exempt.

· Pond management is a cooperative effort between the Greene County Fishing and Hunting Club and TWRA. 

· Pond will be fertilized monthly April thru October. This maintains a healthy fish population.

· The pond will continue to be posted “no fishing” to discourage non-member fishing.


· No swimming allowed.

· No fires around pond.

· Do not disturb nesting waterfowl.  

· No gasoline powered motorboats.

· Fish attracters and breeding structures are present in the pond. Some are visible, some are not.  Do not manipulate any structure in or around the pond.

· Minnows not allowed as bait.

· No trot lines or limb lines.

Creel Limits

· Largemouth Bass – TWRA State creel limits apply.

· Bluegill – No creel or size limit.

· Redear Sunfish– TWRA State creel limits apply. 

· Channel Catfish – 12 inch size limit per club rules. TWRA State creel limits apply.

· Grass Carp – If caught, must be released unharmed per club rules. 

TWRA 2024 Creel Limits

Black Bass (includes Largemouth, Smallmouth, Spotted and Coosa).  No more than 5 black bass per day in any combination may be taken. No length limit.

Redear Sunfish or Shellcracker  –  20 per day – No length limit.

Yellow Bass, Bluegill, Warmouth, Bream, Bullheads, Pickerel, Northern Pike, Yellow Perch, and non-game species – no limit – No length limit.

Catfish: Only ONE catfish over 34 inches may be harvested per day. No harvest limit on catfish less than 34 inches. NOTE: GCF&HC MINIMUM LENGTH IS 12 INCHES when fishing in our pond.